LaMachine! wanted to take something a little different to an upcoming party, and came up with the idea of taking a Deviled Ostrich Egg! It was a little bigger than your average softball, and apparently tasted just like a real egg! [Edit: a real Chicken egg, that is!]
We definately got some attention when we walked into the party with it. And yes, most people actually tried it. It honestly tastes just like a chicken egg.
I should have kept at it with the knife instead! Those shells are thick and a little sharp!
You can see the crack running on this shot
Can you tell I love to cook! We were having a blast with this!
The moment of truth... is it done?
The thing is so big is basically split as I tried to cut it.
A perfectly done medium boiled egg, in only 90 minutes!
The white looked a bit transluscent, so we tried to cover it up with Paprika
We resorted to the little dishes to give the sides some support.
Deviling the yolk. We used mayo, cayanne and a bit of mustard. And a LOT of salt and pepper.
We just used the spatula to fill, it would have taken forever with a piping bag.