These Venezuelan street vendors ain't foolin' when they say they've got a good burger. This could well be the best Street Vendor burger that I have ever seen. The question is, where exactly is this mystery Venezuelan street vendor!?!? According to the video, (Google Translated) In Plaza Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela) Get Previsora from the building and cart you going to do before reaching the corner with Av. Libertador. I've done my best to find a Googlemaps location (above), but if anyone in Venezuela would be kind enough to confirm the whereabouts of this fine man, please let us know in the comments!
[translation via AHT] Here are the contents of the burger, appropriately named "La Diabla," or The Devilish: ketchup, mayo, mustard, onions, cabbage, shoestring potatoes, more ketchup, mayo and mustard, avocado, tomato, burger patty, chorizo, chicken, eggs and bacon, and a mountain of shredded Roquefort cheese.
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