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Top 10 Superbowl Snack Stadiums of 2012

The Snack Stadium. It's fast becoming a Superbowl tradition for parties all over America, and for good reason. Football, beers, and mountains of food are meant to be together... always... And what better way of kicking off that party with enough food to sink a small boat? Behold, the top 10 (that we could find) Superbowl Snack Stadiums of 2012! Found more? Post it on our Facebook page!

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Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

Superbowl Snack Stadium

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