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Clinton Station Diner (6,985)
Home of what could be the largest burger ever, the Mt Olympus 50lb burger!
A Hamburger Today (5,857)
Hamburger reviews from all over the world. One of my favorites!
The girl who ate everything (4,942)
Beautiful pics of beautiful food
Fast Food Fever (4,835)
Make your own Supersized Meal creation with a ready-made recipe by these guys! Combine 3 different burgers to make a Triple Whopper, put popcorn chicken in a soft taco for a Pop'n'Taco, or how about a McNugget burger!
Kate Stelnick (4,786)
fan site for 115 pound college student who is the only person to eat the 11 pound 96er burger from Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in under 3 hours.
Horeca Link (4,682)
Dutch hospitality website.
SuperPaul Eating and Art and Celebrity Meetin Website (4,613)
A website allegedly for selling tropical abstract art, but really a strange collection of Superpaul with famous celebrities and IFOCE eaters. Among the celebs are US presidents, TV and Movie stars, and lots of sports personalities.
Australia's Biggest Loser Boards (4,565)
They linked to SupersizedMeals.com in one of their threads, so I thought I'd return the favor :D
CricketSoda (4,384)
Videos giving tribute to Denton, TX's favorite food places.
Brissy.com (4,132)
A forum for the residents in Brisbane, Australia. Talking about local news, politics, affairs, events, anything to do with Brisbane!