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Meat Cake!

Big thanks to Gary and Rhiannon for sending this one in... we all know what a cake with icing looks like... nothing special there... but what if there was a cake that looked like a normal cake, but had 6lb's of meaty goodness in the center? Behold! The MEAT CAKE!


Culinary GENIUS!

This, my friends, is my culinary epiphany. Since I've submitted it to the b3ta weekly newsletter, it's spiralled out of control! 280,000 hits a day on this thing! Hello, bulletin board people! And thank you for featuring me today, Rocketboom!

Feast your eyes on this!


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Home Made
Mc Huge Hamburger and Fries

This McMeal is bigger than your average....



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Home Made
Deep Fried Brats!

Inspired by the Beer Battered Deep Fried Bacon Double Quarter Pounder, this guy thought he'd deep fry a few brats-on-a-bun. Not big in size, but big in calories!


June 24, 2006 - So I had some brats that I was going to flame broil up in my oven. Then I saw this link of how some guy deep fried a bacon double quarter pounder and I've eaten a Bennigan's Monte Cristo sandwich. So it was only natural for me to continue the culinary exploration into Deep Fried Brats


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Home Made
Homemade 96er attempt

In April 2005, some friends and I inspired by Denny's Beer Barrell Pub tried to replicate their 96er. I attempted to eat the thing but failed as you can see.



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Home Made
Maks makes Bacon Cereal

Yes, you heard right, Bacon Cereal. Maks, notorious for his bacony creations like The Ultimate Bacon Sandwich has done it again. This time he's created something that no one else has, cooked, chopped bacon, mixed with Bleu Cheese Dressing, and topped with "Baco's" of course! Hilarious! Thanks Maks! (PS - anything with a full pack of bacon is Supersized in my books!)


It's been well over a year since my Ultimate Bacon Sandwich waged assault on my arteries and I was past due for another bacon creation. I originally intended to visit the grocery store so I could make a wedge salad, but when I saw the 2 for 1 sale on all Oscar Mayer bacon products, I knew it was a sign from the bacon gods. The best parts of a wedge salad are the bacon bits and blue cheese dressing, so why not trim the fat? Pun fully intended. Warm up your skillet and read on.


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Home Made
100 Chickens on a BBQ

Can't fit enough food on a conventional BBQ? Build your own! This one has about 75-100 chickens all cooking at once... top effort!



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Home Made
Super Taco Construction Video

Ever wondered how to make a "Super Taco"? Probably not quite a "Supersized" taco (maybe glue together 6 soft tacos?), but still larger than your average, and of course, educational! :)


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Home Made
The Toaster made out of Toast

Using 2,500 pieces of toast, this 16.5ft (5m) x 15ft (4.5m) piece of art was made by toasting each piece of bread to a certain "doneness" based on a digital pixel image. It'd take a lot of butter and jam to eat your way through this one! (and for the record, apparently it's now a permanent piece of art in the Modern Art Museum of Buenos Aires!)


The Toaster is a large picture, 5 meter wide and 4.5 meter high, totally made from slices of bread toasted in different lengths of time to reach the nuances between black and white, ochre and rust. It took several days of work and several friends and their toasters to prepare the 2.500 pieces of toast necessary to build the gigantic mosaic, which reproduce a photograph of a toaster.


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Home Made
Supersized Cocktails

"But officer, I only had 1 cocktail!"



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Home Made
Giant Chocolate Bar

A giant Ghirardelli chocolate bar! I wonder how much they cost? :)
