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Bubble Wrap Chocolate
Contributed by: Billy
Easter is fast approaching, and with it come the usual mountains of Chocolate Easter Eggs, Chocolate Bunnies, etc. This Easter, why not surprise someone with something a little different? Bubble Wrap Chocolate! These innovative guys have managed to create chocolate out of popped bubble wrap. I wonder if it's as airey as an Aero Bar?
From: http://www.notcot.com/archives/2007/02/de_lessio_bubbl.php
Bubble Wrap and chocolate lovers rejoice! Latest discovery in SF that i’m addicted to… De Lessio’s Bubble Wrap Chocolate. It’s incredible. Addictive. SO SO GOOD. Picked up slabs of the 72% Dark Chocolate with Peet’s Espresso Beans, Bittersweet with Almond and Raisins, and Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter. But visually its fascinating that it really does look like bubble wrap (with deflated bubbles)… the real question is… do they pour their chocolate on bubble wrap? is it some crazy mold? how does it work?
jacko0606 and the Weet-Bix Challenge
Contributed by: Billy
Edan takes on Sam with the Weet-Bix Challenge. The Challenge: To eat one brick of Weet-bix without any drinks to help you along. Looks like it was a bit of a winner with his lady friends! A few others have tried the challenge too, and it's not easy! Check them out here!
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te0Lr9bfVHI
The Deep Fried Bacon Cheese Dog
Contributed by: Billy
Just when you thought a Bacon, Cheese and Beer Dog was enough, the Deep Fried version has been created. Yes, a Battered, Deep Fried, Bacon Wrapped Cheese Filled Hot Dog. The only way this could get any greasier is if you served it floating in a pool of lard!
From: http://www.thestranger.com/blog/2007/03/post_135
I Am Trying to Break Your Heart, Posted by Unpaid Intern on March 19 at 12:37 PM
Or, How I Plan to Kill Erica C. Barnett
By Stranger News Intern Jonah Spangenthal-Lee
Erica Barnett wrote a brief but meaty post the other day about the heart-stopping joy of bacon-wrapped, cheese-filled, battered and fried hot dogs. (Recipe, via Stuff Magazine, below the jump.) I decided to call her bluff and see if she’d really eat such a bizarre concoction of unnatural ingredients. With 17 years of culinary experience under my belt and a fridge full of bacon, I dove headfirst into the dark world of lad-mag cookery.
DIY Deep Fried Slider
Contributed by: Billy
After reading the story about the Gateway Grizzlies Baseball's Best Slider, I went searching to see if anyone else had done it before. I ended up finding this do it yourself guide on how to make one in the comfort of your own home. I'm not too sure about their battering attempt though... Mmmm... deep fry...
From: http://youtube.com/watch?v=xjIrOldL4kE
The Classic White Castle Slider sandwich. Battered in bread crumbs and deep fried to a soggy crisp. Shot by Sam Grant
Giant Nintendo DS Cake
Contributed by: Billy
Zara created this fantastic DS Birthday cake for a 60th birthday. The detail is amazing, good enough NOT to eat!!!
From: http://paddeesplace.blogspot.com/2007/03/cake-tuesday.html
Well Zara surpassed herself with my mum's cake this year. Not that any of her cakes are below par. But this one had it all. And as a huge fan of the Nintendo DS. Even at 60, my mum loved it.
FHM Deep Fried Frenzy!
Contributed by: Billy
In the latest edition of FHM, Food Network host George Duran fires up the Deep Fryer, and deep fries everything in sight! White Castle Burgers, Pizza, Eggs, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, even Gummi Worms! He's even got a simple recipe so you can deep-fry whatever you want in the comfort of your own home!
From: http://www.fhmonline.com/articles-4008.asp?cnl_id=6&stn_id=132&idx_id=4008
Deep-frying can make any junk food even junkier, but will it taste good? Let’s play around and see! After you whip up some batter (see below), heat three-and-a-half quarts of peanut oil to 350 degrees in a stock pot—or deep fryer if you own one. Slather each food item in the batter, then place in the oil using tongs. Once the batter starts to brown, you’re done.

World's Largest Candied Apple, Bryant Park, NYC
Contributed by: Billy
As a promotion exercise, "Splenda" created the World's Largest Candied Apple by creating a huge apple shaped scaffold, filling the exterior with apples, then coating the whole thing in candy. Although not really edible (considering the steel and plastic exterior) this 3,000 pound structure containing 10,000 apples, 800 pounds of Splenda and about 100 gallons of candy-coating was a pretty good looking Candy Apple! Total calorie count, 1,228,000 calories. Celebrity Chef Bill Yosses helped out with the event, and also gave instruction on how to make a "normal" sized Candied Apple
From: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_petKHiAFOg
On Thursday, October 19th, Celebrity Chef Bill Yosses and SPLENDA® Sweeteners will unveil the world's largest candied apple in New York City's Bryant Park. The giant confection, which will measure 15 feet tall with a diameter of 12 feet, is being created to celebrate the launch of the cookbook, The SPLENDA® World of Sweetness: Recipes for Homemade Desserts and Delicious Drinks.
The Hot Dog Loaf
Contributed by: Billy
Meat loaf. So simple, yet so tasty and satisfying. But for some, this mountain of meat simply is not enough. How could you make a meaty loaf better? Add hot dogs! And thus the Hot Dog Loaf was born. Hot dogs wrapped in meat, baked and served. Kinda reminds me of the Hot Dog Roll Up and the Hamdog!
Hot dogs, meet meatloaf. Horror ensures.
Mmm, Bacon Caramel
Contributed by: Billy
Everybody loves bacon, and everybody loves caramel, right? So why not combine the two? That's what these guys have done, and have created what could be the most savory sweet possible, Bacon Caramel!
From: http://visualrecipes.com/recipe-details/recipe_id/336/Bacon-Caramel/
Bacon caramel like a chewy SKOR Bar with bacon. How much more of a comforting flavour combination could there ever be? To do this, you'll need a couple of things beforehand, namely a pyrex dish or a couple of deep cookie sheets. You'll also need a candy thermometer and a silicone spatula, which is great for keeping the crevices of your saucepan from solidifying.
The Bacon, Cheese and Beer Dog
Contributed by: Billy
Here's some more crazy snacks from StuffMagazine.com. This time, they hollow out a few hot dogs, fill them with cheese, wrap them in Bacon and deep fry them.... Mmmm... it's like a hot dog heart attack all in one convenient greasy little package!
From: http://www.stuffmagazine.com/articles/index.aspx?id=1755
BJ's Wholesale Club gave us way too much food for our Super Bowl party, so we took what was left over and made it into some heart-punishingly delicious recipes.