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Eating Out
Economic eating at Hometown Buffet

In these tumultuous economic times, one must be mindful of ones wallet, and just how much value one can gain from the local buffet. And that's exactly what Oliver Gettell did, reporting on just how far the humble dollar can stretch at these establishments. I could go one meal a day if it came to the crunch, could you?


Given the shaky economy and the mortgage mess, it would seem the American dream has lost a bit of its luster. But if there's any place that can calm recession woes, restore consumer confidence and promise good value, surely it's the Hometown Buffet. With its comfort-food menu and all-you-can-eat buffet, HTB would seem the perfect restaurant for lean times. The notion of an endless buffet is, after all, an apt metaphor for the American dream. It is a place of opportunity, a land of plenty, a multicultural melting pot where minestrone, enchiladas and kielbasa peacefully coexist under one roof.


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Eating Out
World's Largest Deliverable Pizza, 54" x 54", Los Angeles, CA
Looks like the peeps over at Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria are going for the record for the World's Largest Deliverable Pizza! This 54" x 54" Pizza costs $199.99 (+ tax), and gets delivered in a specially made 54" box. They're saying it will feed between 50 - 70 people, but I don't know about that.... I'd put a pretty big dent in it. Pics and vid of them making it after the jump!




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In The Media
The Top Five Odd Food Combos

Andrew Stephens from the Canberra Times recently wrote an article on the Top Five Odd Food Combos. They talk about some of my favorites like the Luther Burger and the Jimmy Dean Sausage on a Stick, but they've got a few combos I haven't heard of like Apple Pie and Cheese, and a Nutella and Garlic Sandwich! Ingenious!

From: Email from Bazz

Hi, for whatever reason, dad sometimes brings home the Canberra Paper, and I found this article in the lifestyle liftout (It's called A2, Culture and Life, if you need to reference to it). Iit mentions luther burgers and a few other tasty goodies as well.


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In The Media
Negroni's Bacon Waterfall

The guys over at Negroni came up with this fine creation for their ad campaign. Makes me want to sing, "and I think to myself, what a wonderful wooooorld.."



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In The Media
Baconnaise, the Mayonnaise of champions

[via SlashFood] Everything tastes better with bacon, right? So why should Mayonnaise be any different? The ingenious folks over at came up with the idea after following on from their Bacon Salt creation. I wonder what other fantastic bacon creations these guys will come up with?!?


We started with a customer request to make “spreadable bacon, namely mayonnaise.” At first, we were confused. Couldn’t you just combine Bacon Salt and mayo and be done with it?


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Eating Out
The Heart Attack Grill, Tempe, AZ
We've blogged about the Heart Attack Grill a few years back, but recently an email has been doing the rounds with some new pics of the place. Great to see they're still kicking (get it? haha) There's some pics of a few of the burgers, a few of the restaurant and customers, and a few of the rather lovely waitresses. Enough chat, on with the pics!

From: Hartleigh via Email


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Home Made
SactoSmithers does the Michael Phelps Challenge

We all know it, Michael Phelps chows down on about 12,000 calories a day. This is fine for a champion athlete who burns all those calories off every day, but what about a humble guy who wants to try this feat themselves? Can SactoSmithers complete the Michael Phelps challenge?


The challenge: consume 12000 calories in a 24 hour period of time, just like Olympic champion Michael Phelps does during training. For those interested, my breakfast was 7 eggs, 6 slices of toast, and 11 pieces of bacon. Lunch was a Red Baron pizza (couldn't eat the whole thing) Dinner was chicken alfredo with garlic bread. Between meals, I had a protein shake and a Twix bar, to maximize calorie intake.

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Home Made
Bacon wrapped tofu

Vegetarians rejoice! This is kinda like Nicorette I suppose. Ween you off the vegetarian gradually until you're a fully fledged meat eater again. And what better gateway to flavor than Bacon!


Bacon. Tofu. Two proteins on the opposite ends of the food social scale. One is revered, serenaded, hailed as the food of the Gods. The other is reviled, sneered at, as being bland, boring, even disgusting.


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In The Media
Pa. man defeats 15lb Dennys Burger

He did it! Brad Sciullo, 21 of Pennsylvania is the first to defeat Denny's Beer Barrel Belly Buster (incorrectly reported as the "Bruiser", which is 50lb). The 15lb monstrosity consists of 10lb's of meat molded into a 20-inch patty on a specially baked, 17-inch bun. Took him 4 hours to do it, but these sorts of things can't be rushed! We tip our hats to you Brad.


In this Monday, Oct. 13, 2008 photo released by Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, Brad Sciullo of Uniontown, Pa., is seen before attempting to eat a 15-pound cheese burger with five-pounds of toppings including bun, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, mild banana peppers and a cup each of ketchup, mustard, relish, and mayonnaise at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, Pa., Monday, Oct. 13, 2008. Sciullo finished the concoction in 4 hours and 39 minutes


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Eating Out
The Making of a Supersized Venezuelan Street Vendor Burger
These Venezuelan street vendors ain't foolin' when they say they've got a good burger. This could well be the best Street Vendor burger that I have ever seen. The question is, where exactly is this mystery Venezuelan street vendor!?!? According to the video, (Google Translated) In Plaza Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela) Get Previsora from the building and cart you going to do before reaching the corner with Av. Libertador. I've done my best to find a Googlemaps location (above), but if anyone in Venezuela would be kind enough to confirm the whereabouts of this fine man, please let us know in the comments!


[translation via AHT] Here are the contents of the burger, appropriately named "La Diabla," or The Devilish: ketchup, mayo, mustard, onions, cabbage, shoestring potatoes, more ketchup, mayo and mustard, avocado, tomato, burger patty, chorizo, chicken, eggs and bacon, and a mountain of shredded Roquefort cheese.