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Hooters Ultimate Chicken Wing Challenge Round 1 Photos
Contributed by: Billy
Last Wednesday Hooters had their first round of the Ultimate Chicken Wing Challenge, and we have the pics! Quite a line up of contestants attended all 3 stores for the event. Competition was fierce, but only 3 from each store went through to the final. 2 weeks to go before we see who gets crowned "The Ultimate Chicken Wing Challenge Champion!" Do you think you can compete? There's 2 weeks left to enter, don't miss out!
From: Hooters via Email - Update: New Mermaid Beach Pics 22-Oct-08

Hooters Ultimate Chicken Wing Challenge, Oct 15 - Nov 7, 2008
Contributed by: Billy
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15, 22, 29 (Heats)
Hooters Cronulla, Mermaid Beach and Parramatta
Hooters Australia is holding their second annual "Hooters Ultimate Chicken Wing Challenge" over the next 4 weeks. Contestants will compete in 3 semi-final rounds, with the top 3 scorers going through to the Grand Final on the 7th November. $10 entry includes unlimited Wings (for the 15 minutes of competition) , complementary drink, a 20% Hooters VIP card, and the chance to walk away with "$$$ worth of Hooters Prizes". Each of their 3 Australian stores will be holding the event individually. Follow the link for the entry form, more info, and pics of last years "Ultimate Chicken Wing Challenge"! ENTER NOW!
From: Hooters Australia
How many chicken wings can you eat to be crowned the Hooters Chicken Wing Champion 2008. Compete in Hooters all you can eat hot Daytona Chicken Wing eating challenge Wednesday nights in October... simply pick up, fill in and post a nomination form. It's the challenge of a lifetime!
Mick Lansom tries the World's Hottest Burger
Contributed by: Billy
You know how in most eating challenge videos someone almost always dubs in "Eye of the Tiger"? Well Mick Lansom has taken it one step further! Not only does he have the music, but he's got the boxing gown and wrist strapping to help him through the challenge. There's a lot of confidence in this young man, the trainers have done all they can. Is he man enough to finish the World's Hottest Burger?
From: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RQfVlcgAwoc
After a weeks gruelling training eating chilli sandwiches, mick was ready to attempt the ultimate burger of chilli death!!!!
Druplibacon - Head made out of Bacon Howto
Contributed by: Billy
Inspired by Drupal, the well known blogging software, Chrys decided to make his own Drupal mascot.... out of BACON! Post, edit, eat, repeat.
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrys/2329243533/
Bored and with a package of expiring bacon on my hands last weekend, I set out to make the ultimate foodstuff Druplicon. I mean, it's been wonderfully done as cake (and cake, and cake), cookies, cupcakes, Easter eggs, and pumpkins, but never with bacon!
Opus makes Bacon Vodka
Contributed by: Billy
Based on the recipe from Brownie Points Blog, Opus gave Bacon Vodka a try, and a rather large try at that! Plenty of Bacon, plenty of Vodka. Absolut Bacon, now that's what I'm talking about!
From: http://www.allnewyear.com/?p=611
With thanks to the Brownie Points blog, which provided the recipe, I decided today undertake the task of making Bacon-Infused Vodka. Bacon, of course, is widely regarded by theologians as proof that there is a God. After all, why else would so many religions ban you from enjoying its crispy goodness? And Vodka, of course, is a Russian beverage enjoyed by the many peasants who turned to the bottle after they were certain that God did not exist. What sort of great problems could be solved by bringing these two powerful forces together?
Heart Attack (Parody of Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back)
Contributed by: Billy
Um.... Who doesn't like a nice Big Mac?
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNV6Mu0nDZM
Greasy Fast Food parody of JT's Sexy Back from Werd-dreW and Scrimshank Records
Murder Burger NZ Job Ad
Contributed by: Billy
If the name of the place isn't enough to make you lol, you should read their job advert! Not sure if this is fake or not, especially considering their logo, but anyway I got a chuckle out of it. With stuff like "... and we need a bunch of people to hang out with, make burgers and talk shit.", how could you afford not to work there?!?!
From: Email from Reggie
Right Oh, Murder Burger is opening up on Ponsonby Road in Ponsonby and we need a bunch of people to hang out with, make burgers and talk shit. No previous experience is needed as we teach you everything you need to know and we kind of factor in you buggering up something along the way."
Fast food fan fined for monster gorge
Contributed by: Billy
Oh the SHAME KFC!! Fining your own customers for fulfilling their own Supersized fantasies with your fine product. Turns out a contracted company fined a customer $360 for staying in the carpark too long. Maybe they should put recliners and stereos in their restaurants?
From: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,24436065-13762,00.html
A TRAINEE nurse who was hit with a $336 fine for staying too long while gorging on a monster-sized family bucket at KFC says she is "disgusted".
Man dies after chilli-eating contest
Contributed by: Billy
Ouch. Apparently this guy got the hottest of the hot chilli's grown for him, then made a super concentrated sauce out of them and ate a plateful of it for a dare. Later that night he had a heart attack. They haven't proven it was related though.... Be careful!
From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1063598/Aspiring-chef-dies....
Andrew Lee made an ultra-hot sauce with homegrown chillis. The morning after he was found unconscious and paramedics were unable to revive him
No more meet!
Contributed by: Billy
Oh noes! No more meet! lol
From: http://plus613.net/image/49081
No wonder BK has financial issues