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Beef Jerky Drink in a can?

Uh, is this legit or has it been shopped?

From: The Intarnets


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Home Made
Super Mario Gingerbread

Supersized Meals LOVES Super Mario, and we especially like this fine effort as well! It's the Super Mario Gingerbread House, just in time for the festive season! It's got all the usual suspects, Mario, Toad, Yoshi, King Koopa, no sign of Luigi though!

From: (thanks dibbz!)

Super Mario Gingerbread


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Eating Out
Stein-carrying challenge: Guinness World Record Day

Beer is food right? Well, they say there's a meal in every glass. I wonder how many meals these ladies are carrying? Germany recently hosted the world record attempt for carrying the most steins of beer. I'm not sure exactly how many were carried, but I bet you wouldn't be disappointed if she rocked up to your party!


Germany's hosted the world record attempt for carrying the most steins of beer.

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In The Media
The Mountain Dew Christmas Tree

"Tis the season too be jolly, tra la la la laaa, la laaa la laaaaa...." Brilliant!



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In The Media
Charbroiled Steak Sandwich At Carl's Jr.

Carl's Jr. has just released their new "Charbroiled Steak Sandwich". The Charbroiled Steak Sandwich boasts a large 100% sirloin steak, topped with breaded onion rings, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise all on a toasted steak roll. Personally I prefer my own Carl's Jr. creations with Onion Rings, but props to Carl's Jr. for bringing us the fatness we need with the convenience we crave!

From: Email via Carl's Jr.

CARPINTERIA, Calif. – December 3, 2008 – Carl’s Jr.® is once again bringing fancy to fast-food with its new Charbroiled Steak Sandwich. Starting today, guys no longer have to worry about breaking the bank for a steak dinner on date night — Carl’s Jr. can provide a delicious Charbroiled Steak Sandwich for a fraction of the cost.


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Home Made
Paula Deen's heart attack

Taking a bit from the Luther Burger, and a bit from the Heart Attack Grill, Paula Deen's "Heart Attack". Fat-tastic!

From: (Thanks dibbz!)

Probably the grossest thing I've ever seen on the Food Network

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Eating Out
The 1lb of Bacon BLT, where is it?

Whoa, a 1lb Bacon BLT. Anyone know where to get this tasty morsel?


Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato - One pound of crispy bacon with lettuce and tomato served on your choice of bread. Toasted upon request


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Home Made
Turbaconducken (Turducken Wrapped in Bacon)

Ah Thanksgiving, that time of the year where everyone gets together to celebrate a momentous occasion... and eat massive amounts of Turkey. Now we've all heard of the Turducken before, but the guys over at Bacon Today thought of a way to improve it.... guess.... that's right, just add Bacon! Just take a Turducken, and wrap that bird in bacon. Who said pigs can't fly?

From: (Thanks Paul!)

Just in time for the winter season comes a recipe that is sure to bring bacon lovers some warm holiday cheer. Turbaconducken. That’s right — a chicken stuffed in duck stuffed in a turkey, all wrapped in bacon. Otherwise known as a bacon-wrapped turducken. Just how did we create this meaty madness? Read on.


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MadTV Pizza Hut Twisted Crust Pizza

... and the funny thing is, it's almost believable!


Hilarious parody based off of Pizza Hut Twisted Crust Pizza from MadTV season 10, episode 1.

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Eating Out
Eating Live Octopus

I've heard of fresh seafood, but this is ridiculous! I wonder if you could do this with the recently discovered 500kg Giant Squid?


Eating Live Octopus