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Giant Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich, The Elephant Bar
Contributed by: Billy
Nathan sent this one in, "The Giant Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich" from the Elephant Bar (various locations around the USA). While it's hard to guage exactly the size, it's got the word "Giant" in it, that's got to count for something! :D
Christine sent this in the other day. Pictures of her in front of both "The Sasquatch", and "The Yeti", an 18 scoops-of-ice-cream dessert with every topping known to man including froot loops.
From their menu: "The Yeti - The dessert to end all desserts: a whopping 18 scoops of ice cream decorated with tons of toppings...14.99
I've done a bit of looking around, and haven't been able to find any other photos of this mammoth dessert, so if you have any, please send them in!
Talk about ice cream headache!!!
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I spotted this on their menu last week, and felt it my duty to tackle this challenge. "The Fat Bastard Burger". Their menu states, "triple meat patties, triple cheese, on a high fat bread roll, chips and no rabbit food". And yep, that's what it was. All meat, all cheese, all butter, no filler
Super Sized Meals Take Determination
Contributed by: extramsg
Someone in Visa's advertising team must be a fellow super sized meal lover. Check out the burger in their "Life Takes Determination" ad. I wonder if the stunt belly who finished that thing off is a contributor here? (Requires Flash. Click on the "Determination Burger" link.)
From: http://www.usa.visa.com/personal/visa_brings_you/advertising/...
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The Ultimate Colossal Burger, Ruby Tuesday
Contributed by: Billy
Houmam first put me onto this place, Ruby Tuesday. It certainly does look like a fine burger establishment! And as many of you might already know, they have a mighty burger called, "The Ultimate Colossal Burger", two half pound burgers on a triple-decker bun with American and Monterey Jack cheeses! It got me to thinking, who's actually tackled and conquered this masterpiece, and do their stories have any entertainment value? Well this guy doesn't look too happy about it all, but "Ghetto Force" have had speed eating challenges of the Colossal since 2002! Read on for more fun facts...
Taiwanese One-Trip Pizza Hut Salad Bar Construction
Contributed by: extramsg
Check out the minute by minute construction photos. Now that's supersized.
From: http://www.start.com.my/blog/maximizing-your-roi-at-pizza-hut/
Like the salad served at the Pizza Hut but dislike the idea that it’s expensive and you are not allowed to take more than once? Here is a guide on how you can maximize your return of investment, invented by some creative Taiwanese students.
I take no responsibility if you get booted from the restaurant for practicing the following guide. So, beware.
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Adios, Monster Burritos! Pinata's Mexican Grill, Bethpage, NY
Contributed by: Billy
Googlemaps Location: Bethpage, NY, USA
I'm fast realising that any owner of a restaurant that has a "Food Challenge" must shudder at the thought of a competitive eater walking through their doors. We've seen them before, Don "Moses" Lerman and Kevin "Krazy Kevin" Lipsitz gave the Paulisaurus Rex a red hot go, only just falling short of the prize. But alas, all good competitive eaters don't just sit down and take it, they just move onto the next challenge! This challenge? Pinata's Mexican Grill's "Monster Burrito Challenge". Eat two of their 3 pound burrito's at any one sitting, and you get them free! Another classic episode from the two comedic genius' of competitive eating. Here's how they did it!
From: http://www.donmoseslerman.com/staff.html
Don Moses Lerman heard of Pinata's Mexican Grill in Bethpage NY, just a couple of weeks ago. They have a special challenge, to help commemorate their grand opening:
Anyone who can eat two of their THREE POUND burritos in one sitting, gets them FREE.
The rules, must be done in one sitting and you cannot stop for a break. No cigarette breaks, no bathroom breaks and presumably, no bowel movements at the table, although we did not ask.
Now that is a challenge that any veteran competitive eater cannot take lightly and Moses and I plotted the day of attack.
"The Sasquatch" 4lb Burger, Big Foot Lodge, Memphis, TN
Contributed by: Chris
Googlemaps Location: Memphis, TN, USA
From: http://www.bigfootlodge.net/sasquatchchallenge.htm
There is a place in Memphis, TN, called Big Foot Lodge that serves a giant burger called the Sasquatch. It has a 4-pound patty, with a 1-pound bun, and 1 pound of fries. If you eat it all it is free. As far as I know no one has finished the burger. We followed it up with a desert they call the Yeti, which is 18 scoops of ice cream with every topping known to man including fruit loops.
From their menu: The legend lives here!! 4 pounds of pure beef, on a fresh baked bun, topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles and cheese. If you and only you eat it ALL, plus the fixings in under 60 minutes it's on us, not to mention that you get your picture on the Big Foot wall of fame... 19.99
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Eric "Badlands" Booker on G4 TV takes on the 100x100
Contributed by: Anonymous
This came in today from an anonymous reader (I suspect one of the lads from G4 TV! Hi guys!) One of the Kings of competitive eating, Eric "Badlands" Booker racing Brendan Hermies, "The Attack of the Show" Co-ordinator. The Challenge? The famous "100x100" from In-n-out. Well, actually, this is the 100x200! Each beef pattie is separated by 2 slices of cheese! Mmm... sweaty cheese... Anyway, here's what got posted...
World-renowned competitive eater, Eric Badlands Booker stopped by G4 with a demonstration of his eating prowess - taking down as many hamburgers as he can from a 100 X 100 (100 burgers and 100 slices of chees) in 30 seconds.
From: http://www.g4tv.com/videos/index.html?video_key=10588 (Click here for the video)
Eric holds some pretty impressive eating records:
- 15 Burritos in 8 Minutes
- 2 lbs. of Chocolate Candy Bars in 6 Minutes
- 49 Glazed Donuts in 8 Minutes
- 4 lbs. of Corned Beef Hash in 1 Minute 58 Seconds
What these numbers don't show is Badlands's awesome personality. He's genuinely one of the nicest guys in a sport that has some interesting personalities. Badlands is known as The People's Champ and holds records in some of the sport's biggest events.
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It's a case of "you can't have one without the other" (thanks Angelica!), although I don't know about trying these back-to-back! While they're not exactly huge in stature, they certainly make up for it in calories! About 1000 to be exact. Mulligans, the home of the "Ham Dog", also have this beast called "The Luther Burger". The Texas Burger Guy did a write up on it a while ago, here's what he said:
From: http://texasburgerguy.blogspot.com/2005/05/luther-burger-and-hamdog-pictures.html
For those that don't know - the Luther Burger is a bacon cheeseburger served on a Krispy Kreme bun. This bad boy is offered up by Mulligan's - a suburban bar in Decatur, Georgia. Click on the picture below to see a really big picture of this mega-artery clogger.
There's also some photos of home made efforts from a Japanese blog, and these guys even tell you how to make your own!! I'm gonna have to try that out I think! :D
From left to right: The "Real" Luther burger, a home made effort, and the In-n-Out version