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Hardees iBurger app for iPhone
Contributed by: Billy
Can't get enough of a Hardee's/Carl's Jr Thickburger? Well now you don't even have to get to a store to enjoy one! (well, enjoy one virtually that is!) Behold, the Hardee's iBurger app, available now via iTunes. You start off by clicking on the box, opening into what you'd normally see when buying one of these tasty treats. Click again to pick it up, then, well, you eat it so to speak. Bring the phone to your mouth and make munching sounds, and you'll see the burger disappear just like a real one. Not quite as satisfying as the real thing, but still pretty funny ;)
From: http://www.itunes.com/appstore
Download the iBurger, and in minutes, you will satisfy your hunger with the thick & juicy, sweet and tangy Western Thickburger. Bite by bite, you can devour your Thickburger with every flip of your phone. Whether you need a quickie for lunch, or want to enjoy it at night... either way you're sure to be satisfied
In-N-Out 3 4x4s Challenge
Contributed by: iwst99
I had posted a video on youtube that was more for comedic purposes. My boss had challenged me to a Fatburger 24oz eating challenge, including fries and a drink, which I completed and posted online. It was meant to be funny and I made a fake training montage out of it and everything. Some people started complaining that it wasn't a good enough challenge and that they could do better, even though it was just a joke.
I decided to go to In-N-Out that day and do a better challenge. I know there's a few 20x20 challenges out there, but those are only with one bun, and no fries or shake. I decided to do 3 4x4s, plus the fries and a Neapolitan shake. The buns, fries and shake add up immensely, but it was so delicious. I feel for those that haven't enjoyed the awesomeness that is In-N-Out. I'm yet to receive a response from anybody who complained about my previous challenge.
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX4-BmAI2MU
Super Mario Goomba Cake
Contributed by: Billy
These Super Mario Cakes just keep getting better and better! WaHoo!
From: http://www.4chan.org
Bacon Man - The Full Set
Contributed by: Billy
Remember Bacon Man? The mysterious Bacon Man's Source has been found! NetDiva, the creator of Bacon Man has a set of pics of the detailed construction process. Bacon Man doesn't come easy! Check out how the King of all that is Flavor was made!
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/netdiva/sets/72157608179195754/detail/
Steve and I toiled over bacon man. Here's what happened.
The Dorito's Bath
Contributed by: Billy
So I'm guessing this guy likes Dorito's.... The new flavor might be hot, but this hot?
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JP3ARTFzk4
Cliff comes home early to hear his roommate singing in the bathroom... alone... Naturally he gets a camera to bust him in the act! But things turn out to be worse than Cliff could have ever imagined...
Fiona Chan gives the Double Pounder
Contributed by: Billy
What are friends for? Fiona Chan's wanted a birthday present.... a food present to be exact. And what better gift than a Double Pounder from McDonalds? Taking two McNuggets boxes to hold the beast, Fiona's friend set out on a quest to conquer the Double Pounder. Will they succeed?
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mobywhale/sets/72157606943861944/detail/
Double Pounder= McDonalod's Quater Pounder x 8. Total cost = $15.55

The World's Biggest Sandwich
Contributed by: Billy
The previous record from our friends in Mexico has been beaten! A school in India has broken the record for the World's Largest Sandwich! Weighing in at 4035kg (8,895 lb's) this sandwich measured 42-foot long and 9-foot wide, and cost Rs 1.45 lakh, around US$2900 (thanks earbox!) Gurmeet said, “A huge bread of 120 loves was arranged with the help of a local bakery. Each piece of it weighed nearly 20 kg. Also, 1,400 kg vegetables, including capsicum, carrot, and boiled potato along with 20 kg of fresh cream, were used in it.” HUGE!!
From: Email from http://www.ryaninternational.org and
This extraordinary project took nearly a week of planning and about eight hours for execution. In what is being termed as a new world record, the students of Ryan International School today prepared a sandwich weighing 4,100 kg. What is even more surprising is the fact that it was made by 160 students of Class VI.
Jim Gaffigan - Bacon Comedy
Contributed by: Billy
So apparently there's nothing funny about Swine Flu..... but there's always something funny about bacon! LOL! (Thanks Stev0!)
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaK9bjLy3v4
Jim Gaffigan talks about his love of bacon in this clip from his brand new stand up special and DVD "King Baby", on sale now!! CD and DVD available online at JimGaffigan.com, Amazon, iTunes & in Target stores everywhere!
Suicide girls get sizzling bacon 'bro' tattoos
Contributed by: Billy
I know bacon is amazing (even during the swine flu), but do you love bacon enough to get a tattoo? This Suicide Girl is. That's hot!
From: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2009/03/suicide-girls-g.html
Talk about bringing home the bacon. At Saturday night's Bigg Digg party at Stubb's BBQ in Austin, Texas, I ran across two young ladies from the tech world who were sporting brand-new, hot-off-the-grill bacon tattoos.
Squeez Bacon!
Contributed by: Billy
Want the taste of bacon, but can't stand the inconvenience of actually cooking it. Squeez bacon is the answer! Simply squeeze the tube, and you'll have instant bacon on your pizza, your sushi, even on your Rockmelon! It's bacon, where you want it, when you want it. Could you wish for anything more?
From: http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/squeez-bacon.html?cpg=93H
A few years after WWII ended, a young man working in a small restaurant in Sweden developed a new way to process bacon. By precooking it and blending it in a special way, he was able to make a fully cooked 100% bacon paste that could be squeezed from a tube. Knowing he had discovered something paradigm-shifting, young Vilhelm Lillefläsk quickly went into business. That, dear friends, is when Squeez Bacon® was born. And this delicious delectable from Sweden has finally been brought over to the USA - now with American Flavor!